Delivery Guarantee

eSildenafil will notify you through an email as soon as your order is shipped. This email will give you an estimated number of days within which your order will arrive. If your delivery is delayed beyond a stipulated time or lost, you are advised to contact us by dropping an email at, mentioning your phone number and order details.

A Customer Support executive will get back to you with the tracking number for the shipment and the directions for using it to learn the status of your shipment. If the courier is not able to locate your shipment and give you stipulated delivery date, the delivery guarantee for the pharmacy will come into effect. It will investigate the status of the case and get in contact with you or reship the order again with no additional fees; otherwise, it will refund your total purchase cost.

Please note that refunds will be made through electronic credit charged back to your initial source of payment. We will credit the full amount back to your credit card in case of a lost shipment.

Delivery Expectation

Our payment processor will send you an email usually in less than 48 hours post-ordering, just to confirm that your payment has received. This message will help us to know that your order is paid and it is instantly updated in our system’s list for shipping. Within two business days of receiving the payment, we will ship your order and send you a shipping notice, which will give you an idea about the estimated date of shipping. Usually, we deliver your orders well before the expected date.

Delayed or Lost Shipment

If, by any reason, your order fails to arrive within the stipulated period or it becomes difficult to locate your shipment, you should notify us about this at earliest. We will get back to you with the consignment’s tracking number so that you can track it. If the consignment is not located, we will refund the full amount to your credit card, or else you can request for a re-shipment.